Sad Life Quotes presents a new and fresh category of Sad life Quotes. These real life sad status and sad quotes will surely motivate and inspire you. A single quote could have a huge impact on someone's life or we can say single motivational quote make your day or change you mood. Here is the wonderful list of Inspirational Life Quotes. You can also share these life quotes as your WhatsApp and Facebook status. Sadness is such a feeling or a kind of emotion that has a part in human life which someone can have in different situations of life, but to overcome on sadness is the real task to do. Sad life Quotes helps you to convey your feelings when you can't express it. Share your Feelings in front of someone you love or you get hurts by with the help of our beautiful collection of Sad life Quotes and life Status. Use quotes collection whenever something goes wrong in your life.

Sad Life Quotes That Teach You A Life Lesson : -

Sad Life Quotes

Life is too short to waste trying
To love a person who doesn’t
Care about you.

Sad Life Quotes

Life is too short to
Give another minute to
Anyone or anything
That doesn’t make
You happy.

Sad Life Quotes

So I try and drink my emotions
Till I can’t feel my heart.

Sad Life Quotes

Sad Life Quotes

You think I’ll be the dark sky
So you can be the star?
I’ll shallow you whole . Sad Life Quotes

Sad Life Quotes

You’ll never
Know how
Someone is
Until you try to
Love them.

Sad Life Quotes

The reason why I keep
My feelings
To myself,
Is because I can’t
Explain them.

Sad Life Quotes

You’re still
Important to me,
With or without

It kills when you
Miss someone a lot and
They’re busy enjoying their life
With someone else . Sad Life Quotes

I loved the sound
Of heavy rain and thunder
On a dark night,
I find it so peaceful.

Million games
To play online,
But playing with my feelings
Is always on your top list.

No matter how nice your
Pictures are or how real
Your quotes are… there are
Some people who will never
Hit the like button
Just because it’s you.

Sad Life Quotes

Don’t think too much
Just do what makes you happy.

Music on
Earphones on
Eyes closed
Painful memories
Best feeling.

True love never dies,
Because true love always

Nobody has your back
Like your mama…
Love her while she’s
Still alive.

Sad Relationship Quotes

Sad Relationship Quotes

It sucks because
For a minute I was happy,
For a minute I was getting
Better, for a minute I had hope
But in a minute I lost it all again . Sad Relationship Quotes

Sad Relationship Quotes

Not sad, not happy,
I’m just tried of everything.

Sad Relationship Quotes

We usually use this emoji
When we actually hurt and
Pretend to be okay with
That person.

Sad Relationship Quotes

Sometimes I feel like
I was born to be hurt.

Sad Relationship Quotes

“Karma says”
Never let your feelings
Get to deep,
People can change anytime . Sad Relationship Quotes

Breakup hurts
But ignorance kills.

Have you ever
Just randomly started crying
Because you’ve been holding
In all of these emotions
And pretending to be happy
For way too long?

You don’t have any idea how
Much I really cared.

Sad Relationship Quotes

It’s hard to answer the
Question “What’s wrong?”
When nothing’s right
In your life.

Some people
are part of the story
But not part of the end.

Is like glass,
Once broken, it will never
Be the same

Sad but truth
I lost someone who didn’t love me
But you lost someone who truly
Loved you.

Sometimes I say
“Bye” Just to hear don’t go”
But I received “Ok Bye.

I ignored so many people for
One person and now look at me,
I’m single.

Just because I don’t
React doesn’t mean
I don’t notice.

I’m sorry not to you,
But, to myself for always
Expecting more

I don’t know what we are but
I missed what we were.

I hate those people
Who only talk to you
When they need something.

I notice everything, sometimes
I just act like I don’t.

I cannot make you understand
I cannot make anyone understand what is
Happening inside me I cannot
Even explain it to myself.

Sad Life Quotes

Some people just disappear
From our lives as if they never
Come at all . Sad Life Quotes

I don’t miss you now
I miss the old you
I miss the old us
Bring me that back, if you
Otherwise, it’s fine, I am fine.

I don’t hate you…
I just all reasons to
Love you.

Music is the another
Which heals you pain.

I never blame you for
I just blame myself for
Making you my everything.

It’s about who stays
Not who promised.

Weirdest people
Are the ones who drink coffee
At night and keep wondering
Why they can’t sleep.

One day all of us will be
Promises – broken,
Pictures – lost, contacts – deleted
The only thing which will lost
Forever is the memory.

Hurting someone can be as easy
As throwing a stone in the sea,
But do you have any idea how
Deep that stone can go?.

I ignore other
For you,
And you ignored me
For others.

Walk alone until someone
Is truly willing to walk
With you.

One day,
I hope you look back
At what we had
And you regret
Every single thing that you
did to let it end.

I lost myself
While trying not to
Lose you.

You deserve Better Sad Life Quotes

I’m not
A bad person,
Situation makes me

2 words, 6 letters
Greatest lie ever
I’m fine.

Anyone can say
They care,
But watch their
Actions, not their

Love all Trust
Few Everything’s
Real but not
Everyone’s true.

Behind every status
There is a secret
Message for someone.

Every pain gives
A lesson and every
Lesson changes
A person.

Final Words:-

Sad Life Quotes I hope you like our collection of sad relationship quotes if you like that so share these collection in different social media platform and show your support to your Support is really important for us . Thank you Guyz !

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